Los principios básicos de rop

Los principios básicos de rop

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There are usually no obvious signs or symptoms that you can notice in your baby. An ophthalmologist needs to closely examine your baby’s eyes (including blood vessel formation in their retinas) to see if they have ROP.

Este proceso no tiene un tiempo determinado, aunque que depende de muchos factores como, por ejemplo: si hemos podido sincronizar a la pareja, si los embriones se transfieren un día u otro, si la calidad de los óvulos es buena o no, etc.

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Remember that your baby’s healthcare team is there to help you every step of the way. Write down your questions, and take them to each appointment. Get the information you need to support your baby’s health during these critical early months and beyond.

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At first, an ophthalmologist may educador ROP to see if it goes away on its own. If abnormal blood vessels continue to grow, the infant’s eyes must be treated.

The abnormal blood vessels that form in ROP usually cause no harm and require no special treatment other than monitoring. Up to 90% of babies with ROP get better without treatment and have ordinario vision.

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